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  • hey, i cant reply to private messages yet -_- so yeah... and have you got any pictures of the wheels ? and hows the tread on the tyres %? where abouts are you located aswel ?
    Hey there I have an Audi a3 1998 same as yours , I also have some 17" Audi tt wheels, mine do not fit as the pcd for the car is 100mm and te wheels are 112mm I was just curious as to how yours fit? Thanks.
    I got an a3 1.8T 2001. What mods can i get on it to make it p-plate legal still or at least get away with it but make the car have that grunt feeling? i see you have a quad exhaust on yours
    hey mate! sorry for the late reply!
    was done custom, took a little while but came out great, are u in melbourne?
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