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To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.I've only found the MMI Software Update 4L0-998-961 5570 (5.5.70) which is for European Audi Cars - is that the same as the Australian version?
I downloaded the ISOs and then uploaded to my car. Worked fine. Didn't stuff up my bluetooth. What's your concern?
Hey broke90, thanks for the info on here. Quick questions, 1) Would those disks work for 2008 Audi S5? 2) Would you be willing to share them?
Of course happy to pay postage etc, just don't have CD burning capabilities.
For anyone who wants a copy of the 5570 ISO's, I've set up a folder in my google drive. These are the ISO's I used to update my car so I know they are clean and they work. Enjoy!
Hi all,
Brand new to AUDI forum, my first post here. I recently picked up an S5 2007 model with 98000kms done. Im getting the front tyres & bushes changed cuz they are no longer roadsafe.
broke90, I tried to use this link to download the MMI update but the file seems to be in your trash. Could you kindly restore it so I can download the images ?
Try it now! Didn't realise I had trashed it.
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