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A8 1999 Opening Glovebox Help ?


New member
Hi Ive just bought an old 1999 A8 and although the single key that was handed over will start the car and arm (and disarm) factory alarm etc, it won't open glovebox, do i need to get some sort of special key ?
The A8's came with 3 keys. Two 'master' keys with key fob remotes and a plastic 'valet' key. The master keys will open every lock on the car, but the valet key will only open the drivers door and start the car (so you can securely lock the boot and glovebox).

So what's the glovebox doing? Is the lock turning with the key. If so, then that's correct and is all the key does (lock and unlock).
Pushing the button opens the glovebox and is a very common failure point:

BTW Audipages are a great resource for D2's...