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Audi Club Sydney at Audi Centre Sydney

We invited members of Audi Club Sydney, an Audi owners' club in Sydney, to visit our service facility for breakfast and a tour of the centre. We also had an R8 running on the dyno and a show-n-shine competition (with a dyno run as the prize!).

Audi Centre Sydney is proud to support this growing community group.

If you would like to attend these events and join Audi Club Sydney, you can find them on Facebook or comment below for more information.
I wouldn't have minded joining them but they banned me for one comment I made about the photos they were posting of random cars parked on streets and giving away the addresses of said cars. NOt a smart bunch really from what I could see
Nice one ACS - would be good if you could pursued other city dealers to think about doing the same (ACC seem a little lethargic) ;)
I wouldn't have minded joining them but they banned me for one comment I made about the photos they were posting of random cars parked on streets and giving away the addresses of said cars. NOt a smart bunch really from what I could see
wow that really surprises me, you always seem so politically correct.... (thats black humor, i like your posts lol)
There were some very nice cars there. The RS4, RS7, R8 LMX, just to name a few top end cars and everything in-between.

Was good to see what everyone was doing first hand.
As a new member to the forum I think that this is a good initiative by ACS. I also noticed that they are offering a Complimentary Vehicle Health check which I plan to take up as well.

Overall well done to Audi Centre Sydney (ACS)
I enjoyed the old NSW Audi club days so I wouldn't mind joining up again. I would have enjoyed a good excuse to visit Audi Centre Sydney for breakfast :-P

I also remember we were able to get an invite to a drive day once which was great.
bringing this back up.
i just got banned from the facebook page audi club sydney for stating that ACS didn't bother to give me a callback after i called 2 days in a row in regards to a question about servicing for my b8 rs4. a car in which i bought from them. to add to this, we just recently purchased a brand new a3 from them.
obviously the club gets freebies from them and want to get more freebies in the future so they have to white knight everything that is said bad about them.
ACS have apologised to me for not getting back to me over 2 days of calling and have given me free stuff.
i have nothing against ACS, i just said they didn't have the decency to give me a callback for a simple question.