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Audi in the ACT


Well-known member
10+ years ago I was a member of Club Audi Australia and there was quite an active sub branch in Canberra. Over some 4 years that gradually melted away and many of us went separate ways. I am looking at getting back into some low key club activity and am wondering what is the situation now?

Locally it seems there is no AUDI club and very few multi brand clubs catering to the more modern vehicle. The web indicates that Club VW seems to be where the AUDI orphans gather. Is there anyone who is familiar with the situation who can let me know the lay of the land.

Thanks :?
So far that's 3 in the ACT. I wasn't successful in uploading a picture of the 2002 German Autofest in Canberra where there were 20+ Audis on display from the ACT and NSW. Days gone by..... Lets keep the thread open and maybe we can gather a few more over time.
hi me again..i park my car at the Clifton Suites in Civic and i have recently spotted a 2008 S3 in white parked near me..anyone know who this is?
No idea. City is full of Audis but only a small percentage are enthusiasts. I'm keeping my eye out for any that might be keen on something AUDI. Once life has settled down a bit, the few that are interested should gather for coffee.

hi me again..i park my car at the Clifton Suites in Civic and i have recently spotted a 2008 S3 in white parked near me..anyone know who this is?
Lads...coffee on the cards in a couple of weeks. What do you say?

Happy with something informal like that.

But IMO clubs are often more trouble than they're worth. Best to try and piggyback onto Club VW or an Audi NSW club I reckon.
Looks like you were around when the Canberra chapter was in existence in the early 2000's. That was informal and really only met socially as we were members of Club Audi Australia, the formal club. I don't propose starting any club, more just the casual meeting and occasional run. Nothing different to a group of mates with a common interest getting together for a BBQ etc. I'm in a non aligned club for social reasons and to keep my interest in things motoring.

Happy with something informal like that.

But IMO clubs are often more trouble than they're worth. Best to try and piggyback onto Club VW or an Audi NSW club I reckon.
Looks like you were around when the Canberra chapter was in existence in the early 2000's. That was informal and really only met socially as we were members of Club Audi Australia, the formal club. I don't propose starting any club, more just the casual meeting and occasional run. Nothing different to a group of mates with a common interest getting together for a BBQ etc. I'm in a non aligned club for social reasons and to keep my interest in things motoring.

Perfect. :nod:

I've been on OzAudi for years, but only regularly since I got my S3 in 2009. Prior to that I was only here for a bit of cross pollination with VWvortex.
We would be happy to go on a few runs and BBQs etc. I don't check here too often and can't seem to find how it emails me with any replies/updates. Any hints in that regard?
Edit: figured it out as a subscription:_b:
Awesome an Audi storm is brewing. I've subscribed too, via thread tools. If we can hang on till early March ... I'll be quattro mobile and keen on sharing some good company
Keep posting events. Eventually I'll make a run or coffee. Good to see the number of Audi owners on the increase. Worth keeping the German Autofest in your sights and to up the number of local Audis compared to recent years.