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To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.What’s everybody driving on here?
I’m getting around a in a red 2013 RS5
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Hey All,
Im a new Audi owner, I got my first ever back in DEC last year. Just wonder how is the community in canberra? Many meet ups or cruises?
The Canberra German car day is on soon (late Sept?). That might be a good opportunity for a catch up.
Autofest? Haven't been for a few years but will be home then so can make it. Do you have the details?
Looks like the details are on their Facebook page - search for “German Auto Day Canberra”.
Entry for each marque is determined by the owners club for that brand. I couldn’t see anything about Audi but maybe the VW club looks after both brands. Hopefully they’re more accommodating than the Mercedes club who threw a fit the year I turned up in a new C63 and was told that the MB display was open to club members entering the concours event only.
I’m thinking of going back this year (haven’t attended since that time) but probably not in the Audis.
The venues keep getting worse. Car hating ACT government I suspect.