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To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.I bought the 2018 Audi RNS-e Map DVD from for $150 plus a bit for postage (
They said its the last nav DVD they are making for the RNS-E, but asked them to double check.
DVD works great in my carThats the good news.
Now the bad news, before I bought the above, I bought a labeled 2020 nav DVD from Navigation Australia ( for $100 inc postage. It didn't work at all! when I quizzed their customer support they came up with the biggest load of crack sh!t about upgrading firmware/software over many blunt emails insisting it was my unit. When I gave them multiple pieces of evidence that my RNS-E gen 2 had the latest and final firmware/software which is 220 btw if you want to know (RNS-E gen 1 has different version numbers btw which are higher numbers) they just refused to accept, despite me giving multiple bits of evidence stating this and photos of my RNS-E gen 2 showing its latest software version number.
The fact they have disabled taking credit cards on their ordering site and only take bank transfers now, should have warned me. They are crooks basically, i'd advise staying away.