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B5 A4 - Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer


B5 Enthusiast
Hey guys,

As most of you probably know by now, I have a B5 A4 1.8T Quattro.

I have recently obtained my SKC and had success with coding new keys so I now have a total of three instead of the one that came with the car (fourth just needs to be cut and coded)

I have been using the copy for some time now and have not had issues at all;

However after doing a scan I'm getting.

[h=2]17978 - Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer[/h]
I cleared the code thinking it was to do with when I was messing around/coding, but it came back after a successful start with my copied key.. I tested this twice. I'm not having any issues with the immobilizer or not starting at all.

I'm yet to test with the original key, but again it has been re-coded by me and works the same as any other keys.

I think that is my next step is to try the original key I think and go from there, possibly also trying to cold start the car and investiagte further as per the Ross-Tech website.


I'm putting this out here in case anyone else has had a similar issue or is experiencing it, or does in the future.

I will definitely update this as I try and figure out a solution/troubleshooting, as it is not a well known area in terms of Australian cars (SKC's and whatnot) which are different to US models as they do not have Immo-2.