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B9 a4 abt


I just received this quote for an ABT stage one tune.

We can offer our ABT Power - New Generation system for the Audi A4 2.0 TFSI, which increases the power safely from stock 185 kW / 252 hp & 370 Nm to 243 kW / 330 hp & 440 Nm.

Price $3,390 incl. GST & shipping. To find out more about the benefits our system brings compared to conventional chip tuning please visit our website under;

I like the power figures but it's very expensive.

has anyone installed this tune?



can't help you on how good that tune is, but there is a bit of reading on the forum, especially on the warranty if you use the search...
I didn't go ahead with the tune as it's too expensive if I still have the car next year when the warranty runs out I may go ahead or go for the APR which is about 1/2 the price.