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BMW have driver training at DECA (Skidpan) on July the 2nd.
For non members it will be $110... numbers are fairly limited (about 30)!

It will be awesome fun, we should organise a group and go in together ?

Don't need any extinguishers or bonnet straps... just ur car and ur self (maybe a helmet)!

Here's the link for some more info.
http://bmwccv.bmwclubs.asn.au/2006/decadt1 2006.doc

this looks cool; i'm going to try and organise a few people.

but only one day to register!! i don't even see how i can get the mail to shep in time to be accepted :(

-- edit

your post says july the 2nd, but the word document says april the second!
Highly reccomended. The skid pan is a lot of fun (but a challenge in a 4wd car when u look at some of the BWM drivers!), and the back track is a lot of fun also.

Give Graeme Bell a call re: places left and timing for registration/payment
Jeff - I think u mean April 2nd.....

Too bad - I'm stuck watching the F1 grand Prix :P lol

July 2nd sounds good though - think i'm free then.......hehehe
nah i meant july... grand prix is on this weekend! and is too short of notice to organise...

so july we should all go ??
it's more hands on i think...

you go straight into it....

given maps for directions of the cones... etc..

plus u won't be going as fast as sandown...
I'm absolutely in, assuming the car doesn't have to be registered I'll bring the 81 ur-quattro. :mrgreen: