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To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.Further on the C5 headlight internal wiring harness insulation.
Yep ginkgo,
I found exactly the same issue on my 2001 C5 allroad 2.7L petrol, inside both headlight assemblies the wiring was cracked, brittle and falling off due to poor quality wiring insulation and the heat involved inside the headlight assembly.
Due to the time frame and difficulty in a complete rewire, I got some thermofit tubing (heat shrink) split it down the middle & zip tied it along each individual wire, looks fine does a great job and will see the life of the car out.
BTW I also had a look at my 2007 C6 allroad 3.0L diesel & it is suffering exactly the same symptoms (cracked/ brittle wiring insulation within both headlight assemblies) you just had to touch the insulation and it falls off. I have since given it the same successful rework.
Hi All,
I recently bought a C5 Allroad which had a RHS parking light short circuit.
When opening the RHS headlight housing I was confronted with this sight:
I am hoping this is a rarity in these cars.
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