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C7 Allroad any recommendations for roof racks


New member
Hi everyone

Similar post, just keeping it separate. Curious of the roof racks, the ones that would not get in a way of sunroof and have good clearance to allow mounting stuff on the racks without risking of scratching to roof and etc.

I used to have rhino which were on the b6 a4 which would allow me to tilt the sunroof ok..

Sent from my SM-G985F using Tapatalk
I have these, Yakima Whispbar, the ones that go flush with rails. Look good, not much practical unfortunately. Ended up ordering Thule Wingbar Evo 2, will see how it goes.

edit: oh see, the raised ones. So I was stupid enough to get
AERO RAIL BAR, do not work well with sunroof =/

so yeah, AERO RAIL BAR is now available for sale.

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