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Club Audi Victoria/ cav social gathering & drive day

It is very casual even if u wanted to pop in during or after we normally have a bit of a chat when the main crowd leaves. Heathcote drive day has been moved to 9th october.
D'oh i wasn't able to get away from dinner early enough, hope to catch up with you guys soon.

The 9th of October you say,hmmmmm :D
Had a great night but there are plenty more to come. 9th october is the next event, might see you there if you can't make the drive but want to catch up you could just come to Audi Centre Melb before we leave and meet the crew
Had a great night but there are plenty more to come. 9th october is the next event, might see you there if you can't make the drive but want to catch up you could just come to Audi Centre Melb before we leave and meet the crew
Looks good, will see if the Grandparents will look after my little boy in the morning (before wife gets home) so I can attend.

BTW - What is the address of the Audi Centre in Melbourne.