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German Auto Day (GAD) Canberra 2019


The German Auto Day proved to be a good chance to catch up and to meet other Audi owners mainly from Canberra, NSW & Vic.
Many came from Sydney, 1 X Coffs Harbour, 1 X Moruya on the South Coast[video]

For Audis who attended, the Event "Audi at German Auto Day, Canberra 2019" was Hosted in multiple Australian Audi Facebook Pages, and a couple of websites.

Audi Canberra Centre attended with an RS5 plus 1 other, and offered a boot-load of fantastic prizes that were drawn on the day, including an "Audi A8 For a Day", Audi Bluetooth Speaker, Shirts
A Weeks Whitsunday Holiday Prize with an A8 Limousine Pick-up was also offered by one of the Audi Entrants ( Name escapes me),
Northside Euros offered 2 X $400 Service/Tuning/Labour Vouchers.
There were other giveaways/prizes donated by Audi Canberra Facebook Members, including Scale R8 Models, Key chains, Valve Caps

(Watch for retrospective updates here!)

Please PM your Photos to DirkOz or post below with a description.(I would like to create Event Albums and Share to Facebook)

Audi Models on display within the Arena (Names omitted) ranged from 1976 to the present day.
A3 8P 1.8TFSI 6MT - Dirk Van Der Vliet
A4 B5 1.8t AEB Quattro Rally - Tony Grieg
A4 B5 V8 QMS - Race Car - JSOL
A4 Cabriolet
A5, A6
A6 C5 Allroad Jeremy Tilbrook "Best Mod" Audi Allroad Australian Adventures
S1, S3 8L, S3 8P, S3 8V, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8
S8 " One Audi to Rule Them All" presented by Audi Canberra,
RS4, RS4 Convertible, RS5, RS6, RS7, R8,
R8V10 awarded 2 X Trophies "Cop Magnet" & " Most Wanted",
76’ 100 Coupe S - 2005T Shannon's "Best Audi"
82’ 200 Turbo - 2005T
86 Quattro UR
There was a lot of interest from Audi Owners generally. Some came down the night before, attending a Bistro Dinner, while others had a very early start. Display Audis arrived well before 10:00 am to set up. Public Gates opened at 10:00 am.





Audi Flag Flying Free

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Called into the Auto day very late, about 1230. Long long story but spending 24 hours in Canberra hospital emergency with a close friend put paid to any chance of me turning up for the gate opening.

Lots of cars already on the way out as we arrived but what a show. Honestly I didn't expect much from it as AUDI participation at the last few Autofest days I went to at the National Library were probably less than 10. Today's was a great showing, mostly cars I haven't seen at any previous event. I had a first time quick chat with Julian (jsol) who surely must get a prize for a trip from the mid coast. Luck also to catch Greg with the RS6. Sadly saw no one else that I could recognize from earlier times although Dirk must have been around somewhere.

Anyway, great show, applause to the organizers, especially the AUDI section for getting the numbers. Hopefully, next year.
Called into the Auto day very late, about 1230. Long long story but spending 24 hours in Canberra hospital emergency with a close friend put paid to any chance of me turning up for the gate opening.

Lots of cars already on the way out as we arrived but what a show. Honestly I didn't expect much from it as AUDI participation at the last few Autofest days I went to at the National Library were probably less than 10. Today's was a great showing, mostly cars I haven't seen at any previous event. I had a first time quick chat with Julian (jsol) who surely must get a prize for a trip from the mid coast. Luck also to catch Greg with the RS6. Sadly saw no one else that I could recognize from earlier times although Dirk must have been around somewhere.

Anyway, great show, applause to the organizers, especially the AUDI section for getting the numbers. Hopefully, next year.
Thankyou for coming out today. I'm sorry I missed you. Congratulations to Darren and his prize-winning Coupē 100.
Well deserved!

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I was thinking of going this year, but:

1. The location put me off (not a fan of dog racing at all)
2. I was hungover from a retirement do the night before!
You can tell where my interests lay :)

and after all that the site tells me that a *.jpg isn't a valid image file. Something not working here at the moment.
Ok, might have been something to do with the backend software that we had to upgrade to stop the DOS attacks.

I've changed the image upload type, so that seems to work now. Give it a shot and let me know if you have any errors :clap:
Here we go. Only took a few shots after my late arrival and concentrating on my favourites.




That works. Pretty poor representation of the huge attendance, for which I apologize.
Here's a few I had. That RS6 avant was very nice indeed. I didn't get a pic of it but here's the next best thing lol.


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