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Looking for rear shocks for b5 tq sedan


Active member
Hi everyone

My suspension got massacred by the potholes on country roads during the big rains last year. The car almost disappeared down a sort of open-cut mine one evening in the rain. Engine stopped, all red lights flashing, B Double on my tail and nowhere to pull over. Luckily she started again first turn of the key which is why I'm writing this today :oops:

Long story short, the springs and shocks gradually self-destructed over a period of months as I hit more potholes and now to get her through rego I'm going to have to replace the lot. All those lovely Bilsteins and Eibachs will have to go and be replaced by the original factory bits which have been lying around gathering dust for 15 years. Unfortunately, the rear shocks seem to have gone all funny and the springs won't fit squarely on the perches so I'll have to get hold of another pair.

Can't find any new ones anywhere online - plenty available at low prices but as soon as I click on them they tell me they're only for FWD models, not quattros.

Would anyone have a pair of rear shocks lying around to suit a 2000 model 1.8T quattro sedan? They don't have to be perfect, only good enough to get the car back on the road in reasonable safety. She's done 470,000 km so there's not a lot of life left in her. She's nearly as battered as her owner 🤪.

Send me a post if you think you can help.


kermac (Kerry), Binalong 2584
Ecs have the catalogue for bilsteins. Jump on rockauto to get a deal for oe replacements like sachs and bilstein or konis. Might get away with $150 per shock delivered.
Join the facebook audi buy groups, seen a few B5's come through.
Ecs have the catalogue for bilsteins. Jump on rockauto to get a deal for oe replacements like sachs and bilstein or konis. Might get away with $150 per shock delivered.
Join the facebook audi buy groups, seen a few B5's come through.
Thanks Chenga. I visited ecs but of course their shipping costs to Australia are ridiculous.
Rockauto had some deals but the goods still have to come from the US and the car's already in the workshop. They can source shocks but they're $390 a pop. That's almost what the car's worth :-(