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Newcastle German car Display


Well-known member
At Sundays Autofest we discussed the possibility of some of the Canberra mob joining up with the Sydney Guys to participate in the Newcastle German Autofest. Just had confirmation that it is to be held on Saturday 06 Feb 2016. Getting the date out so that anyone interested can pencil the weekend in. Sounds like a good excuse to have a weekend away with or without partners as takes the fancy. Don't know anything more about the event at the moment but am sure it'll get some knowledgeable comment as we get closer.
Would be keen, dunno if the car would be though... never tested it for the one drive at those distances :(
Would be keen, dunno if the car would be though... never tested it for the one drive at those distances :(
You're 3/4 the way there. Got plenty of time to work up to it. I'll go early and make a weekend of it anyway. Got involved in the middle of a classic run last year where all the 1920's and earlier were out doing that distance daily so with an AUDI, no problems :woah2:
lol its still a 2.5 hour drive ..with a heavily modified engine ...I'll probably get there missing multiple nuts/bolts as they have wriggled themselves out due to my mounts and nvh
lol its still a 2.5 hour drive ..with a heavily modified engine ...I'll probably get there missing multiple nuts/bolts as they have wriggled themselves out due to my mounts and nvh

The joys of mods. I'm really looking forward to seeing your car idc. You could go via the Putty rd and really make the trip memorable. Someone once said that Poly mounts inspired loctite, lets see if it's true.
I'll be cutting the loom up soon, quite nervous. if that goes well I'll be up on the dyno to go all out..shortly. we shall see how she decides to play. E85 GT3076 with 30 psi (minimum) . gonna be scary
Is anyone going up for this?

Haven't entered. I did contact the club running the event last year and then it's fallen by the wayside. Big conflict with the 12 hour on the same day, am away with an annual car event in Orange the following weekend so it's snake belly low on the list now.