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SOS!!! TCM ECU issue with Audi A4


New member
**Disclaimer - my technical know how would be limited and will be relying on what local mechanic or Audi dealer would say***

hey everyone! I am from South Australia, and I acquired an Audi A4, 2009 2.0T
Currently, it has 196,000kms (120,000miles)

It had a Gearbox malfunction error on the dash and the Australian Audi dealer said that the transmission ECU needs to be replaced and recoded at $6500 which is too much for my budget. There is a local person offering me to post him the old module where he would repair and send it back at $1200 which seems to be a fair price compared to the age of my car. Has anyone done this kind of a repair where you repair that module?

I just need this error message to go away so I can get a decent resale price later after use
It has happened to others, mostly in the q5 range from memory.

Do a search on the forum for TCU, it should come up with similar threads.

I would also go in to your local audi independent and see if they know of somebody who can do the TCU repair..

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