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Suggestions on Melbourne shop to supply and fit front brakes on 8v 2018 RS3


New member
Hi guys, I've been looking into alternatives to stock as car is nearing discs and pads etc and I am hearing these are about $5k OEM for the front. Has anyone had success with DBA 5000 series or other suggestions? I find heaps of online options to buy alternatives, but I am not finding many places that fit as well. I'm in inner north and work near Mulgrave
Unlike many on here, we go to our Dealer for service, I prefer OE parts, we've done so for firstly our S3, then our RS3, and now our RSQ3.
I can remember replacing the front discs & pads on our RS3, I've found the invoice & the cost was $3163 for discs & pads in March '20.
Not saying you can't get 'em done cheaper, not knocking any other worshop, we just prefer going to our dealer who've always given us good service.
you can try fast stuff, not sure where they are located.

Sent from my SM-S926B using Tapatalk
I also decided to install the OEM rotors on my 2016 RS3 a few years ago to retain the original look. The rotors were $2.5k. All installed by Volkstech, 3 grand. I am quite sure they will be able to advise on suitable alternatives depending on your use.