So I'm having issues with the front left wheel sensor, Audi A4 1.8T quattro 6sp.
Got a cheap Chinese brand, bad idea.
Cleaned the sensor ring, and everything worked fine for 2 days, now all the faults are back, ABS/ESP light. Put the old sensor back in, ran OK for 1 day now all the faults plus a new one are back. I've tested both sensors and they're both duds. Cheapy, gives 1.6k OHMs, orig gives 1.7. Magnet in knockoff is now as strong, copper wire is thinner. Orig part doesn't put out voltage when turning wheel.
I'll have to go down the genuine Audi part route, to see if that cures the issue.
Old fault is: [FONT=Verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]00283 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor; Front Left (G47) was intermittent, now is showing open/short to positive. [/FONT]
New Faults I'm getting are: 01312 Powertrain Data bus, fault to sporadic. This fault shows in the comfort module and Auto HVAC.
If I clear the comfort module fault, the ABS/ESP sensor lights illuminate and set a fault. Often while sitting with ignition on, engine off, not moving and scan tool connected. ABS/ESP will illuminate and set code. No chimes are ever heard, when at rest or during driving. Car is taking longer to start.
At the moment I am thinking it is a dud ABS sensor, as this was the initial issue. I have visually checked the sensor ring and can see no evident cracks or other malfunctions. When I cleaned it up, it ran fine for 2 days, with cheap part. At this stage I think it is the dodgy sensor that is causing all the problems, especially if it is a short to positive. (checked wiring, and connectors and ABS module connector which was dirty, and cleaned with electrical contact spray. Cleaned battery terminals. Might be a dodgy ABS sensor to wiring connector.)
I'll keep you posted.
And if I do decide to set it on fire, I'll post it to youtube.
Got a cheap Chinese brand, bad idea.
Cleaned the sensor ring, and everything worked fine for 2 days, now all the faults are back, ABS/ESP light. Put the old sensor back in, ran OK for 1 day now all the faults plus a new one are back. I've tested both sensors and they're both duds. Cheapy, gives 1.6k OHMs, orig gives 1.7. Magnet in knockoff is now as strong, copper wire is thinner. Orig part doesn't put out voltage when turning wheel.
I'll have to go down the genuine Audi part route, to see if that cures the issue.
Old fault is: [FONT=Verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]00283 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor; Front Left (G47) was intermittent, now is showing open/short to positive. [/FONT]
New Faults I'm getting are: 01312 Powertrain Data bus, fault to sporadic. This fault shows in the comfort module and Auto HVAC.
If I clear the comfort module fault, the ABS/ESP sensor lights illuminate and set a fault. Often while sitting with ignition on, engine off, not moving and scan tool connected. ABS/ESP will illuminate and set code. No chimes are ever heard, when at rest or during driving. Car is taking longer to start.
At the moment I am thinking it is a dud ABS sensor, as this was the initial issue. I have visually checked the sensor ring and can see no evident cracks or other malfunctions. When I cleaned it up, it ran fine for 2 days, with cheap part. At this stage I think it is the dodgy sensor that is causing all the problems, especially if it is a short to positive. (checked wiring, and connectors and ABS module connector which was dirty, and cleaned with electrical contact spray. Cleaned battery terminals. Might be a dodgy ABS sensor to wiring connector.)
I'll keep you posted.
And if I do decide to set it on fire, I'll post it to youtube.