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To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.Hi guys!
Bought Audi Q7 LE 2015 last week and was wandering a noob question. Will VCDs void the car manufacturers warranty?
Also any active member that helps with VCDS in PERTH?
Thank you
Hey mate,
depends on what mods you make. Basic stuff i don't see any issues. I have had mine at Audi and they had no issue.
Anyway i am happy to help with programming .
What do you want done ?
I am located in Stirling.
I have done VIM on my car,no problems.
Auto window close on door lock might be annoying if you want to leave windows open and lock car.
you should have press and hold lock button already to wind up windows same as opening .
door lock chime what is this for ?
Anybody in the Blue Mountains area with a VCDS and cable to lend or to help? Happy to travel a bit if need be. I want to activate my MMI's hidden menu and the aux-in so it should be a reasonably quick job. I'm on the lookout for a genuine Ross Tech cable as well but that could take a bit longer.
I am sure you will find someone to help, and it is always good to run a scan to see what your car has to say.
Cheers, I was just anticipating the fault code as many guys in the US were still having error codes. The bulbs I have ordered have inbuilt resistors, however I heard error codes are still happening for most people.
Time will tell I guess, they should be arriving shortly!