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very strange rear bulb problem

Abe Froman

hi all,

i've had this REALLY weird rear bulb problem for a few months now, and it's getting progressively worse.

at first it only happens to the rear right parker bulb. maybe 1-2 times a week after driving for half an hour or more, the warning light will come on telling me my rear right parker bulb is out. however, the next time i start the car, it's on again. this was a few months ago.

now its happening every single day - sometimes after 15mins of driving, other times after an hour's driving, the rear right parker bulb will go out and a warning will appear in the DIS. if i turn off my lights for maybe 1-2 minutes and turn them back on again, the bulb will work again and the error message will go away. but after a few minutes of driving it will go out again.

it is now also happening to the rear right brake bulb, although not as frequently.

i have an avant as you all know, the rear tailights are a bitch to get to. ive had the car in for a major service last week and they've never heard of this issue so as the first step of troubleshooting, they removed all the bulbs and cleaned the contacts (apparently, a common problem with B7's). after picking up the car and driving off, the bulb went out again.

has anyone encountered this before? it's driving me insane!!! that beep when the warning light comes on still makes me jump even tho i now hear it at least 2-3 times a day!

thanks in advance,
It would have to be a fault in 1 of the wires somewhere for this to keep occuring... have u changed the bulbs and was there any success with that?
I have a similar issue but with the front left indicator light kept on coming up bulb out.. i pulled it out and checked it and re put it in and then nothing further for a few mths.. did it again, so pulled it out cleaned it and put it back in.. no further issues from mine since.
Sounds like a dodgy contact.
Replace globe. Make sure that the contacts are applying enough spring pressure. Check earths (brown wire near lights)
brilliant - thanks everyone!

and yes i've changed the bulbs... here's the common response on audizine:

You should check the contacts on the holder itself. I've had this problem and it turned out to be the metal contacts that run along the plstic cover. Aparently after a while the heat weakens the plastic welds that hold down the contacts to the board. So when the bulb is pushed, in the pressure pushes the contacts up and out of alignment.
Hi Phorte

Had the exact same thing.... it was driving me nuts to the point where I wanted to put the car in to a wall !!!!!! I must have removed the rear right light a guzzilion times.

Cleaned the contact points with metho and put a new bulb in (a good one, not your repco POSs). Also cleared the wire contact points. Presto done.....! happy as Larry.

Good luck with it.

was this issue making you have the ESP light on? i am having a mystery problem with my rear brake lights althought its only the left/right brake lights... one about windscreen is fine...

and ESP light is on...
This just happened to me yesterday as i was on my way to meet nmclaughlin.
Thanks for the heads up.
Phorte, any chance you could link that audizine page
happened to me last month, when I found the bulbs were not blown, I just cleaned the contacts with a wipe of the old WD-40 and she's fine since
the guys that worked on my car cleaned the contacts as well as increased pressure of the bulb spring thingy and it still caused an issue. the next step was to get new bulb holders that were something like $60? the car has since been sold unfortunately (bad mistake now that i cant get my new car) and the issue was left unresolved for the new owner.

Phorte, any chance you could link that audizine page
