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Vic club update 2 events for December


>Having had to bring the Christmas Party forward we have two events
>remaining this year so here's our opportunity to meet the several
>new members that have joined recently.
>*_*November Social Evening -Wednesday 23rd November* _
>*Robert Burns Hotel* 376 Smith Street Collingwood (Mel ref 2C E6)
>A pub with a great atmosphere and a Spanish influence.
>*7.00pm for a 7.30pm* start. Parking available in side streets
>including Easey Street.
>Contact: Alexis Townsend 0422 126 358
>*Presidents & Quattro Mad (Simon) BBQ and Drive Day - Sunday 4th December*
>_Two parts to this one so come along to one or both
>*9.30am meet for a 10.00am start from Penfolds Audi* (Mel ref 60 J6)
>71 Burwood Hwy, Burwood for a drive via Eltham, Yarra Glen and
>Lilydale to Jells Park for lunch. Maps will be provided so just make
>sure you've filled up with petrol.
>Note: Due to the activities planned for the second part of the day
>this is a *definite 10.00am start*. You have been warned!
>*1.00pm onwards BBQ lunch at Jells Park *(Mel ref 71 K5)
>A great opportunity to bring the kids along for a low key BBQ and
>picnic. Soft drink, salads and meat will be provided at a nominal
>charge so just bring yourself along, with a blanket or chair and
>catch up with all the Club Audi news. Specific directions to our
>chosen BBQ area will be placed in main carpark.
>Contact: James Day 0438 911 944
Hoping to get a photo at Jells Park this Sunday for the next newsletter of lot's and lot's of Audi's don't need to member to come, just bring your Audi